August 5, 2007


Every time when u go out watch movie, do u think about your family before? Today I was watching “home run” alone at first, everything was still ok it was funny bit as I already watch in cinema but when my parent come home and we start watching together. The atmosphere started to change, is not to the negative but changes to the positive. I then started to feel the feeling that I had not feel for quite a few year. When my parent started to ask question you will not feel frustrated but feel heart warming, secure and warm feeling. So I realize when we watch movie in cinema we may always think that the atmosphere is very modern and is so much better rather than to wait for the movie to show on television. But now for me I think that I rather watch lesser movie and store the excitement to watch with my parent. On the contrary I will also watch movie if the show is really attractive and my friends want to watch I will still go to for socialize. As the saying say: at home depend on parent, social world depend on friends. But do consider spending more time with parent as is not easy to have such time always in your lifetime.


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