June 14, 2010

well ... let see what i am good at... one thing for certain i am good at talking craps.. hahas ... erm.. i can make people laugh easily if only they started a topic first, well analyse problems, console people when they are sad. now let see what i am bad at, hmm... proud?well i am very proud sometimes.. hahas ... well i cant pacify people when they are angry, talk till people fustrated and also i dont know how to analysed people mood... hmm but when think of all this bad things there's only 2 person i can think of that are good at these... well one is my good friend but then last time due to a wallet incident i totally lose trust in him well the other seldom meet up with him... but i also not close to him. well i guess to be continue now .... oo ya .. i am seldom quiet ... hahas


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