August 10, 2007


This topic may be similar to the one before but the content is different this time abit more about family. Sometime have you really wonder what is family is for? As for me I think that family is more of a trust then some place that you just chat. In society you can always find friend to chat with but is hard to find someone to really trust you. I still remember what my teacher had said: when you want your parent to trust you do you really worthy for this trust and do you deserve. So that time I really consider it through, what if you really been tell truth all this while and your parent still don’t trust you that is really pointless to be as a kid as even if your friends really trust you. As a kid the main support is actually family, without a good trusting family is really sad for a kid. No matter in study or in work, the kid is 70 percent that there is problem lies in the family and the 30 percent is in social life. So think of it if you really have a family that do not trust you you better to take the advise to be independent or sooner or later u will have metal breakdown. Also if there is another wave your heart will no be as shatter as before and able to heal faster. Is really no choice for financial as you are still a kid, you have no ability to work yet. At least you will be independent faster able to stronger then other kids. Most of all if you want to revenge grow stronger so that you will have the chance to fight back. There one Chinese phrase
which state: if you still had a live, why worry that you have no change to ake a comeback.


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