February 24, 2008

recent days...

Hi…long time never posts…hmm …haha…. recent event played with Nan qiao…the result was expected but some of them really pissed me off but over all was still fun… this few day I really cant study …also don’t know why really no mood… see book feel like sleeping also don’t know why… maybe I do have some changes le…haha. However no matter what I will try my best to study on weekday and play on week ends and make sure that I maintain my marks… also don’t know why I keep eating chocolate like more than before… hey who want to study can find me but I want to be consistence not a while can then next week don’t know die until where … this will greatly break my momentum down…but now a lot of thing had been influence my mind and I need to find some ways to get them off my mind… but how? That the question … but the first few months was average hope that my intelligence will increase quite a fair bit and not disparaging… as quite a lot of people have stereotypical view that one start to slack off and not to study the brain will be dead and I am going to prove u all wrong…haha…that about that going off now bye…


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