September 15, 2007 tired of study......

haiz... as you know nearly as all kid dont like study, even if you really thought that that child really like study. Maybe he is faking who knows, or he being force to. I still remember last time when i study and achive good result i would have present. Now even if i am the best i suddenly seems so useless, so sometime i wondering 'top so what' who care, even if my teaccher reward me with dozen of reward it seem so small compare to my own family that gave me. So now is i dont even feel like studying. Is my dream that is pushing me to move forward but still i still like present... haha... so that the reason i teach people. As nearly all my friend will have reward from their parent if they score well, so i want my friends to feel the satifactory and the smile. However i am not a 'good teacher' haha... at least i try my best. This few day quite bad, teach people till i get a bad sore throad but still i am happy haha. come on.. let be the best of ourselves... gogogo. I trust all of you as my friend, so let move on together......


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