March 10, 2008

KTV and smile

Ya…in respond to my previous entries, I realise that a girl can be really different when she smile and does not…haha…the voice can change to quite pleasant when she sing and look quite nice. So I realise I really change a lot, when I am in primary school I always like to make people laugh and have lots of genuine friends. Now I have change so much that I only care for my own interest and my life in family and social really change so much. Things happen in your family can really change your life quite a bit …haha… and I have been quiet down quite a bit, last time in my primary school no matter what activities I would always participate a lot now I always take restriction and how I wish time can really go back. When time goes by I slowly become anti-social and now I am going to change back what I used to be and be mad in all the activities I play…now I have a wish is to let the people beside me have lots of fun and really play a lot and always smile which is the most prettiest thing on earth… maybe or maybe not…but till I find other things…


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