September 29, 2007

Inspiration source...

Have anyone ever wonder why suddenly have I always want to improve myself. If you all have joined the same a-math tuition class, I think you all will also be like me. In the class you may not believe that I am the last in the class everyone is just so good. The most important factor is that I finally able to feel the friendliness that I used to have in primary school. I think the person that really inspires most is Eunice from cedar secondary school, even though I only speak to her once but the... is really indescribable by words alone. (Don’t imagine too much) First is Nicholas Foo she is the second girl that I really look up on, she smart, friendly, quite gorgeous… …haha ….is just a feeling. So being compare I just feel that I am so small and wish to be like them so smart, thinking that after ‘O’ level the class will be dismiss I really quite sad but happy that this is the best tuition mates: the cedar, Chong Boon, Deyi, Bishan, CHIJ, Seragoon and all the company and teacher: Mr Tay I have. Just wish to say thanks for all the fun time all the best for the GCE ‘O’ level.


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