October 3, 2007

What i am proud of...

Have you all really know what I am really proud of? Even if I get first in the whole level is nothing to me… what I have really proud of is I got a really dote me sister and brother even I do not have a really well-off or I could say a disastrous family. I remember when I was young my command of English is really poor to the core, is being influence by my brother that I improve a bit. Also my sister had always given me material luxury. Best of all is they really dote me, always take of me. Like everyone is yours parent but for me is different. Some time I really hate to be so unique the pressure is really giving me quite a headache… life full of disappointment, now all I could is do my best in my studies and strive for the best… one day return to my family and my beloved if I found one… haha… wish me luck… please


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