April 16, 2008


long long time never blog already so come on let just chat a little... recently a little busy writing note for my friends and planing quite a lot of things i could say. I think i have an illness is that recently i feel tired easily and also dont know why keep on eating ice-cream. writing to that i also realise that it had been a very long time seen i eaten an chocolate, ok tomorrow shall go buy one and eat. Also see of lot of my ex school mate some change some remain the same but i am actually quite surprise that some become good boy... in the matter of fact i really miss the past days where we had so much fun in primary school and secondary... now allmost everyweek go exam really tired teacher mark not tired but i already tired but i quite like it and see how much i know...but some weeks really too muh to handle already... ISNT THIS IS WHAT EVERYONE ALWAYS CALL ....LIFE....BUSY BUSY LIFE....HAHA...LET US ENJOY THIS LIFE I GUESS SO ...HAHA


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